Exercise is NOT Allowed During Reduction:   


Because it will slow or retard your weight reduction.

While you are taking your Vibra Health Body balancing drops (Rapid Slim) Drops your body locks off your Pantry Fats™ and unlocks your Cellar Fat™

Your brain already knows how much fuel is required to run your body functions (heart, liver, lungs etc.) while at rest or in idle and how much fuel is required to run your body in drive which is your normal 12-16 daily routine.

During your Rapid Slim Reduction cellar fat™ will be metered out to your exact daily requirement, this is why an office worker and a bricklayer can use exactly the same 2 meal a day plan even though they are using different amounts of fuel to run their bodies in drive.  Whenever you exercise you put your body into over-drive under normal circumstances your body acquires the extra fuel need from your Pantry Fats™ or through your mouth. During reduction these quick energy/nutrition options are locked off and cannot be used as over-drive fuel. Your body will not release extra Cellar Fat™ to compensate for the fuel shortage. This shortage can cause your brain to sense the body is in nutritional danger when this happens your brain protects your body by elevating hormones; one type that causes your body to store fuel/fat and another that slows your body systems making more fuel available for storage.

During Stabilization you may return to light exercise or sport if you wish.

In Liberation if you love sweating it out at the gym,  pounding the pavement or riding your bike 10 K a day and this is an enjoyable part of your life then you will go back to living your life your way. If on the other hand you hate the gym then give back the membership and do the things you enjoy for me that’s dancing. Most people move enough in there day to maintain reasonable fitness. You will find that after Rapid Slim you will have more natural energy and endurance this alone will put an extra pep in your step.

Advice: For those who return to heavy exercise in Liberation we advise you eat a small portion of protein 45 minutes prior to engaging in exercise this will help to provide extra fuel at the time it is need.